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Drs. Gatty and Strategic People Solutions

How We Evolved to Building Organizations from the Inside-out.

We have been business consultants for a variety of industries over many years.  Dr. Gene embarked on a career in public education before consulting for educational organizations in administrative efforts.  Dr. Ann embarked on a career in museum education before consulting for museums in non-profit management and programming.  So our backgrounds provide a melding of talents to assist with the growth and administration of small to medium size businesses.

We have partnered in leadership mentoring, organizational development, and strategic planning since 1999. Organizational problems may seem complex, but we believe the simpler the solution the better. And so the Business Sphere of Excellence® was born.  We use this business planning model to help guide small businesses and entrepreneurs as they develop their future long range plans and visions. 

Our mission is to inspire each individual to contribute talents and skills to an organizational cause greater than oneself.  We work with companies to design strategic people solutions for the challenges that the organization faces.  We design strategic plans that a workforce can efficiently implement by blending their skills and expertise as they move the company forward.

To accomplish our mission, our services include

  • leadership mentoring
  • HR strategizing
  • strategic business planning

We have the relevant experience to teach and train, to mentor and guide, to highlight problems and provide creative corrective measures, and to celebrate the hidden talents business individuals didn’t realize they have.  Building a great organization requires building from the inside out.   Building businesses to work brilliantly si the core focus of our company. 

Dr. Gene Gatty passed away in 2020.  Now working as the dba, Strategic People Solutions,  Dr. Ann Gatty continues with the same strong commitment to delivering quality results for our clients. 

Explore these pages to learn more about Strategic People Solutions: 

Dr Ann Gatty | Therapy Dogs @ Work | Testimonials | As Seen In | Our Clients

The Business Sphere of Excellence is our proprietary strategic planning model used to develop short- and long-range business plans that can be efficiently implemented by leaders and employees throughout the company. With an easy 6 function matrix, daily operations and project development can be monitored without being overwhelming.

Begin building your business to work brilliantly!

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